PA Quick Links

Quick Links to Resources
In order to assist you in locating or receiving the information you need as quickly as possible, we’ve provided links to our most frequent questions. Please click on the question to reach the appropriate information.

How do I get copies of my school transcripts?

What happens to my records if my private high school is closed?

How do I get copies of the results of my GED examination?

Where do I find information about Student loans and planning for college?

Where can I find information about teacher certification?

Where do I find information about Public Librarian continuing education and certification?

How do I search for unclaimed property in Pennsylvania?

Where do I go to register my vehicle, get my Driver’s License, or Official State Photo-ID?

Where can I find information about PA EZPASS?

Where can I report road condition concerns? (Potholes, broken guide rails,)

Where can I find information about finding a job?

Where do I find information about my personal State Income Taxes?

How do I get a Sales Tax Exemption number?

How do I sign up for the “Do Not Call” list?

Where can I get information about starting a business?

Where do I go to find out about professional licenses?

Where can I get information about Unemployment Benefits?

Where can I get copies of a Birth Certificate?

Where can I get a Death Certificate?

Where can I get copies of my Marriage License/Divorce Decree?

I’d like the Governor to Know …

How do I reach my Legislator?

I’d like to do business with the Commonwealth

How to keep kids safe