District Services

Washington District Libraries Blog

District Services  Strategic Plan 2019 2020

District Services Final Five Year Plan 2018 PDF

District Services Final District Budget 2019 2020


District Services

Citizens Library is the District Center for:

  • Washington:  Washington County Library System (14 member libraries), population of 207,211.
  • Greene:  Greene County Library System (2 member libraries & a system headquarters); population of 38,686.
  • Fayette:  4 independent local libraries and an unserved population of 58,897 for a total population of 129,155. 6 Affiliate locations.


A District Center is identified as a “strong local library serving the people of its community and providing a source of assistance to the citizens and local libraries within its district.”

The District Center provides leadership, coordination and consultation to local libraries.  The Office of Commonwealth Libraries (Bureau of Library Development, PA Dept. of Education) relies on district library centers to accomplish library development priorities, introduce new programs and improvements to its member libraries.

The District Consultant Librarian provides professional library knowledge to local library directors by means of counseling and continuing education on all aspects of library services including by not limited to:

Materials selection & collection development (including weeding);

Services to special populations;

Modern Library services, administration, library governance & finance;

In-service training of local library personnel and trustees;

Provision of public relations programs and materials.

District Services & Resources Include:

District wide Inter-Library Loan and weekly delivery too all member libraries.

IDS affiliate memberships for all district member libraries.

Access to OCLC and Inter-Library Loans outside of Pennsylvania.

Inter-Library Loan training & assistance as needed.

Free library services to any resident of Washington, Greene and Fayette Counties.

Access to professional reference services & resources.

Access to a vast collection of local history and genealogy as well as a professional genealogy librarian.

Access to assistance for collection development, collection maintenance & repair, and cataloging  (Adult & Children’s).

Continuing Education:  Available to library directors, staff and board members on a yearly basis as well as continuing education scholarships for each member library.

Coordination of district wide events (Summer Reading Club Night,  PA One Book, PA Forward).

Online Resources include:  Gale Courses and OverDrive.

OverDrive:  Downloadable e-Books and e-Audios.  District Aid pays for the subscription fee and all content, as well as publicity &  marketing materials.

Gale Courses:  6-week, online certificate courses in the areas of:  career & professional; computers & technology; personal development; writing & publishing.

Technology assistance upon request (basic troubleshooting for PC’s, OverDrive)

WAGGIN:  training, tech support, assistance with reports and collection management, troubleshooting , questions.

Assistance with E-Rate (in partnership with the I.U.1).

Programming assistance yearly for each member library

Representation for the region with Commonwealth Libraries and PA Library Association.

District Library Directors meetings as well as continuing education opportunities.

Up-to-date information with regards to library trends, statewide initiatives, state standards, legislative initiatives & challenges.

Maintenance of an up-to-date professional collection.

Access to a full-time district consultant. (provide tools and training library improvement & development)

Assistance with annual reports and state paperwork/deadlines.

New library director orientation.

District Services are those “over & above” core library services.

District Aid is not intended to supplant local library funding.

Library boards are to provide the funding to meet state aid standards, meet the information needs of their unique communities and provide for all core library services.


Melinda Tanner, District Consultant Librarian, mtanner@citlib.org 724-222-2400 ext. 229